Crushing the Job
Congrats! You’re hired. Here’s how to make the most of your latest opportunity.
Lesson 1: Effective Communication
Being a remote intern can be tough. Here's how to get your point across virtually.
Assertiveness is a skill. We're breaking down how you can stand firm in your needs, asks and beyond.
Our friend Elyse Reneau of Too Faced Cosmetics gives you tips for overcoming your fear of public speaking in this Office Hours session.
Make the most of your time at your internship - here's what to ask before you say goodbye.
Lesson 2: Skill-Building & Advancing in the Office
Have all the confidence when sorting out that Excel Spreadsheet with these tips about Microsoft Office.
If you don't see your dream role, then it may be time to create it. We're telling you how to do it.
You work hard, but sometimes it’s a lot. Let's keep that determination going.
Building a career in skincare is unique, luckily we have the scoop from a skincare industry expert.
Nail the money game and make major career moves with advice from a Chief Tax Officer.
Employee of the Year: that's you. Here's how to make the most of your first post-grad opportunity.
Climb the marketing ladder with tips from the CMO of Rare Beauty.
Internships are more than just errands. We're showing you how to advocate for more career-elevating tasks.
Make an impact and get noticed with these tips for standing out.
We're all in this together. Here's how to make the workplace better for everyone and life each other up.
Lesson 3: Self-Care & Work
Multi-passionate professional - we see you. Here's how to do it all and still keep your sanity.
Say it with us: the to-do list can wait. We're showing you how to unwind and let go after a work day.
A fictional pop star once said, "Nobody's perfect!" and we agree. Here's how to let go of perfection and excel at your job.
Work hard, play hard, get some rest. We're showing you how to have a career and a social life (its possible).
Remote position accepted. Laptop stand purchased. Here's how we're taking care and staying on top of our work.
Boundaries and your mental health are BFFs. Here’s how to respectfully set boundaries at work.